Harvest Update
/Time for a quick harvest update and another special! This week we are picking blueberries, peaches, nectarines, apples and a few grapes. That's quite a selection! Nothing like variety to make a farm visit a great experience.
Our special this week is perfect for all those master chefs who are just dying to try that new peach barbecue sauce or bottle up some Christmas jam to pass around this winter. What's the deal you ask? Well, we have some peach seconds that we will be selling for only $.35 per pound. Now, that's a good price! Better yet, all you have to do is let us know how many pounds you want and what time you want to pick them up. They will be ready to load in your car when you arrive.
The warning: these will be ripe peaches and you will need to use them quickly or you will lose quality. Only buy what you can process the same day. Peach seconds are fruit that have some imperfections or are of a smaller size. We will have a limited supply, so make your orders early. We need at least a 2 hour notice before they can be picked up and there is a 40 pound limit. Unfortunately, we will be too busy to pick peaches on Sunday between 11 am and 4 pm, but any other time this week is OK.
This special will last all week long or until we run out of peach seconds. You will need to call the farm to place your order. If you get the answering machine, then leave a message and we will get back to you.
The farm number is 978-365-4331.